Anyone Else Having PS5 Pro WiFi Issues?

Title. Disconnects regularly from 5GHz. Requires restarting the console. "Restore Licenses" doesn't fix this issue either. I've seen several posts of people having this issue with the base PS5 as well for months now? Anyone experiencing the same?

Will force Best Buy to take the console back if so.

• Edit #1: changed DNS settings from Automatic to Manual (and used and as DNS addresses) to see if this fixes things. Will report back for the sake of those who are also having issues.

• Edit #2: WiFi seems to be fine so far, but it could still fail later so I'll keep checking. Here are the two changes I've made: I reset the gateway (router) [I'm using a WiFi 6-compatible Cox Panoramic Gateway] & made the DNS changes as listed in Edit #1.

• Edit #3: so far so good, guys. I think the DNS address change had fixed the issue for me. I’ll check again tomorrow after leaving it on Rest Mode (I normally turn it off completely) to make sure the WiFi connection is stable after turning it back on.

• Edit #4a: still working as of Saturday (Nov. 9th) in the AM. Will now try to download a game Trial (I'll use Spider Man 2 for the test) to see if the WiFi connection drops because downloading a Trial was when I first noticed a random disconnection. Will report back with Edit #5.

• Edit #4b: I do want to point out that, for my router, I have completely separate 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands such that they look like different WiFi networks (I did this the moment I had the router installed some time ago). I mention this since it might be helpful in keeping the PS5 pro connected to just the band you choose (5 Ghz) without having to rely on the PS5 Pro itself to select 5 over 2.4. So for those who haven't done this, consider giving this a try.

This is what my SSID looks like when I open WiFi settings on my Mac, for example.

• Edit #5a: I purchased a rather small-in-size game addon and it started downloading automatically (as expected). However, it stopped at the 36% mark. I checked Network Settings on the Pro and everything was seemingly fine (connections to the router and internet were both successful), but for some reason the addon stopped at 36%. Pausing the download and unpausing it didn't help. I had to cancel/delete the download and retry downloading again before it was successful. However, I did not need to restart the console as my connection to the internet was intact according to the Pro's network test.

I also attempted a small test:

Since some suggested changing the Wi-Fi Frequency Bands option on the Pro from Automatic to 5 GHz Only, I wanted to test this, so I did (even though I'm already using a strict 5 GHz band SSID as mentioned above). Once you attempt this, it warns you that MLO (Multi-Link Operation) will be turned off on the Pro (to which you must agree to). After doing this, I retested my download speed and, lo and behold, it was halved. The simple switch from Automatic to 5 GHz Only caused my download speed to tank. Interesting.

I should say that I did not test switching to 6 GHz Only. Others have tried this and said this works. So you can give that a shot instead. I didn't test it because I don't think my router (WiFi-6 Cox Panoramic Gateway) supports a 6 GHz band. For those of you with routers that you know use the 6 GHz band, you can give this a try but keep in mind that this band has an even smaller range than the 5 GHz one despite the higher bandwidth, so if your PS5 Pro is far away from the router and switching to this fails to remedy your WiFi issues, you can't be certain if it's because the switch didn't work or because you're console-to-router distance is too large.

I then used a suggestion (by u/anisiovalverde1) in this thread of placing the Pro in Safe Mode and choosing the 4th option: Restore Default Settings. For those who still have issues, consider giving this a try as you lose nothing (your profile and games remain intact). I also kept the Wi-Fi Frequency Bands option on Automatic (since changing it to 5 GHz Only tanked my speed). I changed the DNS settings back again manually and will retest downloading again when I can. Some here suggested also using and (Cloudflare DNS addresses) instead of Google's & to see if you have better download/upload speed results. Indeed, my speeds were better (& more consistent) with Cloudflare so I switched my Primary and Secondary DNS addresses over to them (although, of course, the Google DNS addresses worked well for me in maintaining a connection to the internet too).

Here's a very simple video on how to enter Safe Mode for those interested:

• Edit #5b: this goes without saying, but this is a reminder to clear any possible source of interference between your PS5 Pro and your router. For example, I had two kettle bells sitting near it (under the table on which the router is on), so I moved them far out of the way. Metal objects particularly cause interference with WiFi signals (and the 5 GHz band [and, even more so, the 6 GHz band] electromagnetic waves already have weaker penetration and range than those of their 2.4 counterpart).

• Edit #6: possibly the final edit. Sadly, problems have returned… I tried downloading It Takes 2, and it stopped downloading at around 17%. When I checked, it showed that the PS5 Pro had disconnected from the internet. It fails to acquire the IP address in time when you attempt to re-establish a connection. The only way to remedy this was to restart the console. So it seems the moment I try to download something, especially of a moderate to large size, it'll start downloading fine then cause the PS5 to completely sever its ties with the internet. This is a major problem. Sony need to fix this ASAP. We all paid upwards of 700 for this console (and this is without including taxes, a vertical stand or disk drive and without factoring that several non-US countries pay more for the console and its accessories depending on their currency). This incompetence should not be allowed for a product of this purported caliber and this price tag.

I'm returning it back to Best Buy. This trash-tier craftsmanship is unacceptable.

• Edit #7a: I returned my PS5 Pro for a new one. It seems that the same issue persists, particularly with downloading specific titles. For example, RE4 (2023) downloaded without an issue but It Takes 2 stopped downloading close to the midway point. The Pro still showed as being connected to the router when that happened but had no internet connection under Network Settings.

• Edit #7b: I'll be acquiring a WiFi extender (as per u/Allinluckbot's suggestion) and test it soon. It seems the PS5 Pro has a relatively weak WiFi adapter that has problems fully grabbing signals from the router unless it's relatively close to it. At a certain distance from the router, my base PS5 has a signal strength of 98-100% (verified via the PS5's Network Settings). The Pro, at that same distance, has a signal strength of ~88-90% which is a sizeable variation, and this should not be the case.

• Edit #7c: I switched Report System Software Errors Automatically ON. I encourage all who have these issues (or issues of any other kind for that matter) to do this such that Sony is automatically sent errors related to WiFi connections and errors related to failure of downloading content. This would help make them aware of issues with the Pro faster (as they'd detect many of the same types of errors being logged and sent to their servers from different Pro consoles).

Settings → System → System Software → Report System Errors Automatically

Mine was switched OFF by default.

• Edit #8a: It's possible that the reason the 5 GHz band is facing trouble with the PS5 Pro (and not the 2.4) is interference from the HDMI port/cable with the PS5 NIC (network interface card). There have been numerous reported cases of HDMI-WiFi interference especially regarding the 5 GHz band while sparing the 2.4 GHz band. This is corroborated by the fact that people have reported placing the console near the router and still encountering the same WiFi issues with the 5 GHz band while sparing the 2.4 GHz from connectivity issues.

Some examples of people reporting HDMI-WiFi interference:

It may be worth a shot attempting to replace the HDMI cable that comes with the PS5 Pro with one that has proper shielding and/or a ferrite core to prevent electromagnetic interference with WiFi signals. It also really doesn't help that the HDMI port seems to be close to where the WiFi chip lies within the PS5 Pro (unless I'm mistaken). If this is the case, and it may very well turn out to be the case, then it's technically a hardware issue (on top of a potentially coincident software one).

This interference possibility is far from the ideal scenario because it means that a software update may not be able to remedy it. In other words, it would mean that we're effectively the guinea pigs who've tested out the hardware issues of the first (earliest) batch of PS5 Pros (similar to the time when the earliest PS5s had WiFi issues that were mostly remedied with newer versions or batches of the hardware, leaving those who bought the original PS5 batch with the short end of the WiFi stick). This is even more of a problem because our PS5 Pro return windows are closing (and them not addressing this issue only serves to benefit them [Sony] since we'd be told to buy another Pro console once our return windows expire and the hardware issue is sorted in the new batch of consoles they ship). – I hope this isn't how it goes down, but their silence speaks volumes.

• Edit #8b: Here's a photo of what my setup looks like (that I'm currently testing for any WiFi improvements possibly due to HDMI interference).

• Edit #9a: It seems indeed that HDMI-WiFi interference is real. After making the change to HDMI cable routing by using a longer non-OEM cable (~ 6ft in length), my signal moved from a lowest of 84% to a lowest value of 94% and an average range of 88-90% to an average range of %96-98%. In the AM, my signal strength was also detected at 100% momentarily before settling at 98 (which is what it currently is).

However, it turns out that, despite HDMI-WiFi interference being present and my signal strength on the Pro being heavily improved by virtue of the changes I've made, disconnection from the internet &/or router by the PS5 specifically during a download from the PS Store still remains. Before downloading, the signal remains strong and the Pro remains connected. Once downloading starts, it halts a third or half the way through.

This proves a few things to me:

- WiFi chips/antennas are subject to interference (at least in my case) and awareness of this can be used to improve signal strength if signal strength is suffering on the Pro. It isn't the core issue with the Pro's WiFi however.
- The problem with the PS5 Pro is far larger than any interference because the base PS5 had interference issues far less frequently reported and because it disconnects despite having it accounted for thereby raising my signal strength to 98% on the Pro.
- There is nothing we as the consumers (particularly WiFi users) can do from our end at this point. There is either a software, hardware or combined flaw in the current Pro models.

N.B. for those who have access to the WPA3 security protocol, do note that I cannot test if switching to this on the router solves any issues since my router only utilizes WPA2 (so I couldn't possibly test the suggestion that the Pro handles WPA3 better than it does strict WPA2). You can test this on your own and see if it helps you.

Conclusion: the return window is closing; if this isn't addressed close to the return window closure date, I'll refund the Pro and wait for an announcement or for some time to pass before repurchasing in the hopes that the new batch of Pro consoles have had these WiFi issues fixed (even if silently).

• Edit #9b: I wanted to add that I tested one final potential remedy which is to make the Pro's IP static (via Network Settings on the console), but this didn't alleviate the WiFi issues.

For those who've ordered from Best Buy like I did (I'm not sure about other local retailers), it turns out that the return window is extended because of the holidays (Christmas). For example, the Best Buy return window would normally only be 15 days (unless you have a Best Buy membership). However, it now currently extends all the way to January 14th of next year [i.e., 1/14/2025] (at least this is the case where I'm at). For those with WiFi issues who don't have such a luxury because of ordering from, say, PS Direct instead, refund the PS5 Pro completely and repurchase it from Best Buy or any other local retailer that happens to provide this luxury. This would save you a headache.
Because of this, I won't be refunding completely just yet. I instead had the console replaced once again (this is my 3rd Pro in the span of a week. The other 2 have been returned to Best Buy as defective.)

I will test this new 3rd console and re-update this post with Edit #10. If at least one/this new console happens to not have WiFi issues, we can safely conclude that there's a hardware issue with certain batches of the Pro console because a software issue would more-or-less affect all consoles equally since they all have the same (latest) firmware.

• Edit #10: the WiFi disconnection issue persists with the new (2nd) replacement console despite a signal strength of between 96 & 100%. At this point, a software (firmware) issue is the more likely culprit. There’s no point in testing any further, so I’ll stop here.


• Edit #11: I believe I have solved my WiFi issues. (The issue still persists despite switching to 6 GHz Only. I've corrected this Edit.) I switched to a WiFi 6E router that supports the 6 GHz band (on top of the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands) and switched the PS5 Pro WiFi Frequency Bands setting from Automatic to 6 GHz Only. So far I've not been able to recreate my previous WiFi issues (downloads being interrupted) which is a very good sign.

For those interested, here are my current settings:

  • Internet download speed → 1 Gbps maximum
  • Router → Cox Panoramic WiFi Gateway: PW8 model (supports WiFi 6E, not WiFi 7)
  • WiFi extenders/pods → None (I'm not using any)
  • IP Address Settings → Manual
  • IPv4 Address → X.X.X.149 (or 150) [static IP address**]
  • Primary DNS →
  • Secondary DNS →
  • MTU Settings → Automatic
  • WiFi Frequency Bands → 6 GHz Only

** do note that, to set a static IP address on your Pro, you need to know your Default Gateway (router IP address) and your Subnet Mask. While keeping IP Address Settings set to Automatic (don't change it to manual just yet), go to View Connection Status and that will show you your Subnet Mask (which is typically and your Default Gateway. Copy those two settings as is when changing IP Address Settings to Manual and then choosing a static IP address for your PS5 Pro. Setting a static IP address is something I decided to go with as a preference, but it won't solve your WiFi issues.

• Edit #12: \Sigh** I'm tired, guys. It seemed the issue had remedied itself back in Edit #11, but it didn't. Apologies for giving anyone hope with the last edit. The problem returned today as I queued 3 games for download: Little Nightmares I, Little Nightmares II and the Dead Space remake. Dead Space downloaded fine but once Little Nightmares II was up, it stopped downloading at the midway point because the internet connection was severed. Downloads resumed successfully upon restarting the Pro.

For those wondering, this happened after the latest firmware update (24.08-10.40.00), so don't get your hopes up because this update does not resolve existing WiFi issues.