Which Pokémon Are You Most Hopeful For An ex Version In A Future Pack?

I’m eagerly anticipating the day we finally get a Sirfetch’d or Sirfetch’d ex in a new pack!! The lil duck already goes so hard in so many decks, I could just imagine how much harder they’d go as a duo splashed all around the meta!

Whipped up this PTCG version based loosely off of TCG versions. (shouts out to Tsao Shin on Deviant Art for the sick af art!)

I’m eagerly anticipating the day we finally get a Sirfetch’d or Sirfetch’d ex in a new pack!! The lil duck already goes so hard in so many decks, I could just imagine how much harder they’d go as a duo splashed all around the meta!

Whipped up this PTCG version based loosely off of TCG versions. (shouts out to Tsao Shin on Deviant Art for the sick af art!)