Important Issues
I'm stating some details about myself below A Male in his late twenties. Currently running my own company in Islamabad I have been seeing proposals since a brief period of time and not being able to find a right match some time due to long distance from the capital and sometimes due to some other issues which aren't substantial to reject a proposal from opposite side but they do consider those things and eventually I get a rejection.
I'm not de-motivated at all just having a thought to delay this process for the better. Because when I hear things from opposite sides which I don't wanna disclose here are very materialistic things and they are like focusing on only those things.
It's a very tough call to decide about the proposal I have a pretty good idea about it. But it doesn't mean We should only focus on superficial items.
Lets consider, a person with a good job earning good in this inflation he might do well in the future because he is more focused on his career which you can clearly see. Why being so judgemental over the things which aren't in the hand of that person like being from a different caste or being from a different area which I personally believe aren't the deciding factors neither these should be ever specially in this era where nothing is hidden.
Well, to conclude I'd urge you to all first we should change ourselves mentally and have some "ہوش کے ناخن" make life a beautiful journey for your close ones.