I Have Been Harassed Multiple Times in my Life

I, 25M, have been harassed and almost got raped multiple times when I was a kid. Being young, I did not how to save myself and how to communicate with my family. I will share the worst one maybe later. Will share the least worst, or say my most satisfied one incident, now. I will mention at the end why I’m classifying this one as most satisfied incident.

My brother was a trainee auditor in PwC (AF Ferguson) in Lahore and he once called me to bring him some stuff he left at home. I went there, handed the stuff and came out of the firm. I had to go to college from there so I had my bag pack on my shoulders.

Just outside the firm on Canal Road, on the way back, a guy singled me to give a lift (I was on Honda 125). Being raised good, I stoped my bike and let him sit on the back. He was holding me by my waist which was weird but I thought he wants to maintain the balance. So I ignored it.

After just a few meters of ride he started pushing himself towards me. Again, I thought he is uncomfortable on the backseat, maybe due to my bag pack and lack of space, so I dragged myself towards the tank to give him more space. He held my side waists more firmly and pulled himself more closer. That was the point I realized what he was trying to do. I asked him to get off my bike cursing him. He said “Bhai thora agay le jao” and resisted to get off. I was scared too, because of past trauma and thought he could have a weapon, but I mustered up some courage as I was grown ass boy at this point now. I aimed my elbow towards his face and was about to hit him, and he hopped off my bike.

I started riding away, angry, scared, and with a thousands of thoughts in my mind. He started walking away in the opposite direction which means he did not want to go in that direction in the first place and he was sitting behind me for one goal only. This made me even more angrier. I also thought this is it and I should do something.

I took a U-ie (it was canal service road), accelerated my bike as fast as I could, and kicked him in the butt. The kick was so forceful due to acceleration that he swung around, his legs went up in the air, his back twisted and he hit in a tree.

This was the satisfaction for me.