I am promised with heaven.

Dreams are a part of conscious which connects us with the higher realms which are present as of now. I am not being arrogant upon this or any of my statements but I have seen the supernatural while awake as well as in dreams. I do get dreams about regularly where I am guided with principles of life to follow.

Which later motivates me to lead the life I am living right now. Although, being a human, I do get to make mistakes, but these mistakes are temporary as I sometimes get hurt or learn in the proces of life.

In dreams I have seen the rope of Allah, the Prophet Muhammad pbuh inside my room along with Imam Ali a.s also seen Prophet Isa a.s holding by future son. I feel like sharing my spirituality because it does motivates some while on the other side it is unfavourable to some.

The actions that I take in life are well thought and careful and I know many are learning from me as well as I am learning from the world at the same time. I was just wondering, sometimes my actions might seem dark or evil, but those actions that I take are well thought as I have programmed myself to serve humanity, it leads me do things which are noble.

Imam Ali a.s said that no one is hated than he/she who speaks ths truth, and so it is, sometimes I get hate from my close ones, or those living near me. Because I don't hesitate to speak ths truth, even sometimes when it's disturbing to hear. As another quote from the Imam a.s that truth is better than a lie which satisfies for the time being.

I am only sharing some of my spiritual self for the sake of exploration and as a part of an expedition, some things are vital to express. When I was born, my grandfather held me up in his hands and cried with tears in his eyes and said that this is a wali. Wali means friend of Allah. And yes, I have had a lot of dissatisfaction from the side of the world for being like this my entire life.

But this time I am expressing these thoughts more to the world, to my circle to here and some things on the other platforms of where I share my activities in order to create a better world by reshaping the thoughts of the legal realm. My collegues and teachers are learning from my legal theories and I feels good to know that.

I have also seen the barzakh, and I have been promised a great land in heaven. In this life, where I do have to face some troubles and sometimes they are much to tolerate, but it's okay because these are the doings of Allah and He is doing everything on a purpose.

Just sharing some positivity and I hope it motivates or enlivens a soul of anybody who is reading this. I got a lot of intelligence to share with the world as well, some of which is dangerous and some pleasant. But I must assure you that there is always an unpredictability in the events. Some things are promised and not to be changed just as the law itself, which cannot be changed and everything in the existance is following that order of law which is created by Allah Himself.

If you want or need any spiritual guide, I can provide it to you.