
I wish there was an easier way to keep track of things in the game- specifically, bundles or where/how/when to get fish/bugs.

Like, if there was a journal you can have/fill out as you explore and find stuff. There could be a bundles tab that would get filled out as you discover them, and checked when you complete an item.

And a fishing/bug catching tab, where whenever you discover a fish/bug you have it in your journal so you could look it up whenever you might need it again. It would show the rarity, where to find it, what time.

Basically the descriptions, but instead of having to go to different websites and search them up, it’s in a journal you can flip through in game.

and of course foraging, maybe which ores the gems come from.

Oh and a place to put photos you take there too maybe? and maybe a stretch but a place to read all the lore from the tablets we picked up?

This has been a personal gripe for sooo many games. I just wish one of them would make it more convenient than having to constantly search everything up! It mostly would be really cool too. Just a small thought though.