A Corpse Running?

Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors. I did my best to correct any mistakes prior to posting. Edited for format

During the pandemic and lockdowns I developed a habit of driving out to the country AKA the Ozarks in SW Missouri in the wee hours of the morning. It was great, felt like I had the entire county to myself at times with not another living human around. Even driving from Springfield to Joplin on the Interstate was pretty isolated except 18 wheelers. Had a few paranormal encounters during this time and this is one of them.

One of those nights during the pandemic me and my wife at the time were out driving around in the early morning near Springfield, Missouri. We were cruising the backroads and farm roads in rural Greene Co. We were getting tired and decided to take a quicker way home so I ended up turning down this one dark road. I smoke cigarettes so I keep my window cracked. All of a sudden I get this whiff of (best way I can describe it as) rotting onions and farts. We both started getting bad vibes like we shouldn't be there. I am now looking for a side road or a driveway to turn around in. No sooner then I get the feeling we need to find a place to turn around is when we seen a man limp running. The craziest thing is he had on a dress suit and his head was pale white and no hair. Another thing that made it weird is that he never turned around or otherwise acknowledge I was there. He didn't move over, flinch or anything. I had this gut feeling not to pass him. We ended up coming to another road and I took it. This thing was probably 100 feet (30m) ahead of us.

This happened around 4AM The road was dark, void of any street or traffic lights except my vehicle's. He had no light on him that I could tell. The only things on that road were a couple of houses and a cemetery about a mile further than where we were. Later that afternoon I drove to that cemetery and there was a pickup truck with a man and woman mowing the cemetery giving me the evil eye. I never stopped but I wanted to see if any ground had been disturbed. I know, I know there is no such thing as zombies. I am not talking parasitic or fungi types. It is impossible biologically for a decaying corpse to move on its own from what I understand, but I just wanted to rule it out. I don't know where the smell was coming from but the odor was gone when I went back. Only other time I smelled something similar to that was in a mausoleum in St Louis.

I found this video on Nuke's Top 5 that resembles what I seen. I took a screenshot of the video. I have the link and will post it if that's okay and a demand for it or you can just glean it from the title and time.
