Baby monitor - bad experience

Years ago (around 2013), when my daughter was over 1 yr old and at around 4am I heard a sound from the baby monitor (old radio version at the time), which I will NEVER forget.

It was a completely disembodied sound of what sounded like a screech of an old lady.. but the stuff you can usually relate to from horror movies. I swear that the sound had me in an instant panic.

Just a couple of seconds later, whilst I was totally FROZEN from my absolute fear, through the baby monitor, I heard the music of a toy which must have suddenly turned on. The toy was a ferris wheel which required just an inch of manual turning of the wheel to activate the sound. There was one significant realisation that had me literally freeze in fear! The toy was on a high shelf, which Juliette (my daughter) would have had to literally stand up on the bed to access, which I would have found very odd.

I rushed into her room in total fear and panic - and there she was.. just sound asleep, as if nothing had happened entirely. And on the shelf, up high and beyond reach above the foot of her bed, was the Ferris wheel, cheerfully turning and the music singing in full swing!

From that incident onwards, I never used that infernal device and promised to myself to never use any sort of radio comms in my flat ever again!!

Not sure if any of you can relate to any of this.

It was truly TERRIFYING!