Win rates after 1 month of MTGO Leagues with non-tier decks

I got into pauper on MTGO last year as there is no local scene around me. After about 6 months I started to explore more into brewing or at least trying out new ideas for existing decks. Around the start of this year I decided to start posting some MTGO leagues videos with these decks to Youtube to try and spread these ideas around.

It’s been a quiet month so I’ve had quite a lot of time to play, and I thought I’d take stock of where I was at:

A quick summary:
45-25 in leagues
64% win rate
12-2 with the best performing deck.
2 completely unplayable decks bombed

Full results given here: Lovecrayons MTGO Pauper League Results

League Video’s: Lovecrayons - YouTube

Check out the decks if you’re interested and let me know what you think. If you have any ideas for a different take on any existing decks let me know and if it looks interesting I might pick it up.