Just got ripped off on grey
Very bummed, will not name vendor because I think mods will not like. But I bought some n-acetyl-epithalon-amidate, and it’s cloudy and separated overnight. Also the bottles had no vacuum. Now they are saying stupid things like “add another me of water”, use “sterile water instead of bac water”, and making excuses. Very sad, lost about 400 because I also ordered pineleon and even though it does not have those issues, how can I possibly trust it? Need to find a link for group buys and testing, I guess. Can’t afford the major vendors.
FYI: 10mg/1ml bac water Edit: Not sure why this is locked? Turns out I was partially wrong; the acetylated, amidated version does require more bac water and it cleared right up, 10mg vial, started with 1ml then added two more and it cleared right up. However, there was still no vacuum in the bottle and that is concerning.