What was your first playthrough like?

I remember mine rather vaguely. It was near the end of last year when I beat it. My lover was Ann, because I for some reason thought that was canon (I saw that she was of the Lovers arcana, and my mind just clicked for some reason), and I relied on Izanagi-no-Okami HEAVILY (I play Royal). I still get nostalgic for that time, and it was only LAST YEAR. I had some difficulty finding the Will Seeds, and gave up temporarily on Kaneshiro’s Bank, then came back to it around the end of October, beginning of November. I was still a massive noob. A rookie. But now the bank is one of my favorite Palaces, right after the Castle and the Diet Ship. What was your first experience with the game? Did you go in blind or relatively blind, like me? Or did you do your research beforehand? How did you learn of the game? I learned about it from Smash Ultimate’s Joker DLC. Little did I know that would show me my new favorite game series….

I remember mine rather vaguely. It was near the end of last year when I beat it. My lover was Ann, because I for some reason thought that was canon (I saw that she was of the Lovers arcana, and my mind just clicked for some reason), and I relied on Izanagi-no-Okami HEAVILY (I play Royal). I still get nostalgic for that time, and it was only LAST YEAR. I had some difficulty finding the Will Seeds, and gave up temporarily on Kaneshiro’s Bank, then came back to it around the end of October, beginning of November. I was still a massive noob. A rookie. But now the bank is one of my favorite Palaces, right after the Castle and the Diet Ship. What was your first experience with the game? Did you go in blind or relatively blind, like me? Or did you do your research beforehand? How did you learn of the game? I learned about it from Smash Ultimate’s Joker DLC. Little did I know that would show me my new favorite game series….