People that say if you cant afford thousands on an emergency vet bill then you shouldn't have a pet.

While I get the reasoning behind that take its bullshit in my opinion. Especially in this day and age, when someone's financial position change at the drop of a hat. There are plenty of cases where people can afford that, get a pet, then later on something happens where they're still able to take care of the pet just fine but absolutely wouldn't be able to afford $1500+ on a sudden unplanned bill. That doesn't mean they shouldn't have a pet anymore or that someone should take their pet from them.

For many people especially ones that are struggling in life, having a pet is what keeps them going. I know personally that my dog is the only thing that kept me from pulling my own plug when my life was at a point where I was check to check and pulling from savings to pay bills. I'm better off financially now but if someone had tried to take her from me at that time because I didn't have a bunch of money sitting aside I would've been more than just pissed.