Seeking Help: Stuck between Racist tenant and irresponsible landlord.
EDIT :- Thank you for all your messages, I never expected so much kindness and support. It lifts up spirits.
I know my best course of action here is to move out and I have been working on that for the past couple of months. But when this person decides to get drunk (which is everyday), it becomes a safety issue for us. He smokes in the house, knowing that my girlfriend has respiratory problems and had been to ER couple of times. I asked the police and the landlord to stop him from smoking, but got the same answer (this is your issue that you have to solve yourself). Thought of living like this for the next month brings me a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. If you guys have any places or building or apartments or anything, please do let me know.
\***** Original Post*****\
Me (25 M) and my girlfriend (22) (We are South Asian) share a two bedroom apartment with a guy (40 M), who has made me and my girlfriend’s life a daily struggle. We moved in together as a group 6 months ago as me and my girlfriend couldn’t afford an apartment by ourselves. It’s a 2 bedroom apartment with shared living area, kitchen and bathroom.
The other tenant (40 year old white male), doesn’t like when we speak to our family in our language and yells at us for doing so. He also doesn’t let us maintain the heat in the house (20 degree Celsius from September to May as stated by Ontario laws) and told us that we are not normal people if we keep the temperature above 16. He is drunk every night and starts accusing of something new every night. He has turned the power off of the house on two occasions as he has access to circuit breakers in his room. We called the cops and they told us that it is Landlord’s responsibility to protect us and when we reached out to landlord this is what he said.
“As landlords, we are not in control of what is interrupting your heat and Hydro. You understand that correct? What is interrupting your heat and Hydro is a personal issue that you have amongst the three people that signed the lease together. We cannot fix that. That is on you.”
I cannot sleep in the night and cannot focus at work. Me and my girlfriend have thought of going back to our home country but we don’t want to because this a really beautiful country and most of people here are so nice and friendly.
Whoever we tried reaching out to, blamed it on us or evade responsibility. Any help or guidance would be very appreciated.
Thank You.