Approaching 40s and need to start weight lifting - need recommendations

Hi everyone,
I am nearing my 40th birthday and have begun to realize that I need to start weight lifting. While I have maintained a fairly good figure over the years through two pregnancies, recently, I've noticed that I'm gaining weight a lot easier than I used to and overall just don't feel as fit as I once did. It used to be easy to keep things under control with eating (mostly) reasonably and getting in some exercise. I typically stick to yoga, ballet, and walking/ hiking but I want to start incorporating weights.

Can any of you make some recommendations of where to start? I'd prefer to do it at home, maybe with some YouTube videos, but I don't have enough knowledge to know what is good to start with, so please make me some recommendations!

For reference, I am 5'2 and 126lbs (this is the highest weight I've been aside from pregnancy). I want to strengthen my body to help protect it as I age and feel stronger over all. Not really looking to get bulky, just fit and healthy.

Working on my weight/ body fat as well through increased activity (walking/ yoga/ eating better) as I feel best under 120lbs.