What should I do if my family’s cat is aggressive and constantly attacks us and our dog?
My sister rescued this cat from the streets last year in October 2020. She was a weak and sickly kitten, but I nursed her back to good health. Even though my sister rescued her, she never helped me feed or clean her. I thought she would be a good cat but turns out she’s aggressive and constantly scratches everything. She sneaks up and attacks our legs and arms, and she attacks our dog every day. She even scratched some new furniture we bought. She gets the “zoomies” at random hours of the day. Ever since she became aggressive, I stopped letting her in my room and I don’t show her much affection anymore, but I still give her food.
My mom is in love with this cat, even though she’s aggressive. She still loves this cat even though she nearly scratched her in the eye a few months ago. After the cat nearly scratched her in the eye, mom told my oldest sister to take her outside and not let her in. I was scared when I saw that my mom’s eyelid was bleeding from the cat’s scratch, and tried to help her. My sister who rescued her was upset about the cat being put outside, so she put up flyers on social media about her being missing. She and my mom found her at the nearby shelter almost 2 weeks later, and took her back home. I was honestly upset when I heard they were bringing her back home. She was wandering around in a nearby city for days.
Even though my sister never helped in taking care of the cat, she still cares about her and wants to take her to live in her new apartment. My mom doesn’t want that to happen. I feel like this cat should be taken to a shelter, but I’m not really sure what to do because my mom would be angry if she finds that the cat is nowhere in the house.