About "don't pull, it will go to standard"

I have seen so many advices about "don't pull, will go to standard".

The post is not about telling you whether it is right or wrong. At the end of the day, it is your decision what to do with your cubes. You are the only one who know best whether things are worth it or not. Not other people. There are compelling reasons for either options (wait for standard or pull on featured).

Anyway, i play both JP and Global. So just want to share info on the SSR character rates. I am able to compare the rates before vs after the update as I play both ver.

Before Standard update:

Standard banner. : 0.2778%

Featured banner. : 0.2000%

Rate up in Featured banner: 0.7000%

After standard update:

Standard Banner. : 0.1190%

Featured Banner. : 0.0860%

Rate up in Featured banner: 0.7000%

Tldr: After standard update, the pool become a lot more diluted. While the rate up for featured ssr character remains at 0.7%. This means, the probability of getting spooked by offrate SSR become lower.

This also means, if you are aiming for specific ssr character other than the rate up, it will be very hard because the rate is very low.

If you skip the featured banner because you hope to pull in standard banner, bear in mind that you have to deal with significantly lowered rate of 0.119% to 0.086% (compared to 0.7%). Getting very specific unit like HPGojo or Degumi offstandard is not as easy as you think. Definitely not impossible tho. I got them in my JP account in standard banner. But my experience is not universal and is not the expectation. The biggest benefit of pulling in standard is the fact that you can use the hundreds of free standard tickets that you get from domain exchange shop, etc. So yes it is a very good option for f2p. Just don't expect to be able to pull very specific unit easily due to low rates.

And also, bear in mind that eventually when the 2nd update is done, the rates will get even lower.

At the end of the day, no decision is the most right decision. Sometimes pull featured may be better for you, sometimes wait months or years hoping to get spooked may be better.