So... I met my husband on a dating app. AMA!
Back in 2017, we probably wouldn’t have crossed paths in real life. VERY different industries (medicine sya, publishing ako) but because of one swipe, here we are, married for 4 years with a two-year-old kid. If you've seen an online dating story recently, that's probably us 😅
It wasn't all smooth but it taught me a lot about love, timing and being brave enough to take a chance. If you’re curious about our story or you need help navigating the many dating apps, ask away!
thank you so much to everyone who joined the AMA!! always remember that online apps are just tools to meet people. what you do with the connections is entirely up to you! they don’t all have to lead to romance, some can just end up in friendships or even business connections and that’s fine!!
if you are online dating tho, always prioritize yourself and what you want. compromise within reason, as long as you don’t sacrifice your values.
ayun lamang thank you for your time and i wish you the best of luck!!