Creepy Gym Guy need advice please..
This is my first Reddit post ever first of all, so forgive me if I don’t respond right away as I don’t even know how. Lol.
Anyway I’m a 37 year old woman who has been going to planet fitness about 3-4 days a week to work out for years and years. My work hours were recently changed so I started going mid morning rather than evenings. Anyway there is a strange 60ish year old man, who continues to badger me. The first day he complimented my form and walked away. Weird but that was it.
Then he started regularly seeking me out, up to three or four separate visits to whatever machine I’m on, in one workout. Trying to talk to me about anything he can. I’m a nice person who avoids conflict due to trauma, and yes I need to go back to therapy for this, I’m such a people pleaser I hate it, so I usually just listen to him yap.
Well yesterday he made a compliment on my appearance and it gave me the ick. Then when I finally thought he’d left, he proceeded to SIT DIRECTLY on the floor in front of me while I was between sets for hip thrusts. Which isn’t where anyone should be sitting, let alone a damn stranger.
I finally just ignored him rather than make a scene, which I deeply regret. I was in shock honestly. He finally left.
Today I saw him again and he seemed to be watching me and being extra loud to get my attention. I of course ignored him, he never spoke to me, but I had to cut my workout short to avoid him, which I hate myself for.
Please be kind, I am also autistic and struggle with reading people and intentions. How would you handle this?