Specific show insists that Episode 17 is the first episode
I have one specific show that, for some reason, always wants to play Episode 17 first. All the files are named correctly, but for some reason it just skips all the ones before it if you're hitting the play button and nothing is marked as watched.
I can play the episodes prior to 17 if I select them specifically, and they will normally proceed from there, but if I am simply hitting play with nothing watched, it just defaults to 17 and then onward for some reason.
The episodes are joined ones and I've named the files to reflect that (E01, then E03, then E05 and so on), then changed the titles within Plex to reflect both joined episodes' names.
I tried removing the episode and scanning, but this causes it to then default to 19 and onward. It's just skipping all the prior episodes for some reason.
And if I mark 17 as watched, it still plays it anyway.
Edit: Solved. I found out the problem happened because I had watched through the episodes up to 17, then changed the file names so they didn't double up (E01E02, E03E04, etc) while still leaving those "doubled up" episodes (E02, E04, so on) in their watched state. This watch state remained in a kind of "phantom" state despite the episodes being gone. I fixed this by renaming the files again to bring back those removed "episodes", marked all episodes as watched and unwatched again, then renamed the files once more to remove those episodes again. It is fixed.