Sableye is a monster in the new mode
Sableye with Knock-off feels incredibly busted in the new 500 pt mode. Early game the enemies can't score and you can just chip away at their goal zone. And late game you are a scoring machine if you get the right techs. Specifically the magnet one is so broken. Every time you steal 15 pts, the magnet tech doubles it. So you can instantly go from 0 to 30 pts with one knock-off
Having so much fun! This feels like sableye's time to shine!!
Sableye with Knock-off feels incredibly busted in the new 500 pt mode. Early game the enemies can't score and you can just chip away at their goal zone. And late game you are a scoring machine if you get the right techs. Specifically the magnet one is so broken. Every time you steal 15 pts, the magnet tech doubles it. So you can instantly go from 0 to 30 pts with one knock-off
Having so much fun! This feels like sableye's time to shine!!