What am I doing wrong?

I’ve been playing this game for two months, and it just feels punishing. I’ve watched gameplay, I’ve read guides, but I just can’t seem to climb. Today has been annoying as heck. I’ve had a huge string of losses. So I’m finally posting gameplay…

I honestly feel like I’m hitting my head against a brick wall most days.

(Today’s also been bad because I’ve had multiple people afk and stealing jungle leaving me to lane on my own 🎉)

I mostly play Solo Queue. Umbreon main, with the other Eeveelutions as backup/secondary — mostly Espeon lately, with some leafeon for filling jungle.

In this game I picked snarl because idk, I felt like I wasn’t getting a lot of support. Usually I’d pick wish. I rarely pick mean look now unless I’m confident in my lane partner’s ability.

Username is same as here. If you’re checking out my uniteapi, note that the Leafeon win rate is from early game, before I hit actual humans (then started to drop pretty quick).