Film purchased directly from expires in... 1.5 months?

I placed an order last week for Color i-Type film directly from Polaroid's website. I received it today and they have a production date of 05/24, which means they'll be around a year old in a month and a half.

I'm kind of annoyed that film purchased directly from their website would be shipped to me so close to the expiration date. Is there anything I can do about this? ☹️

I placed an order last week for Color i-Type film directly from Polaroid's website. I received it today and they have a production date of 05/24, which means they'll be around a year old in a month and a half.

I'm kind of annoyed that film purchased directly from their website would be shipped to me so close to the expiration date. Is there anything I can do about this? ☹️