The Ultimate Polin Pandemonium Tournament (Season 1) - And the winner is…
And the winner is… The Dance At Vauxhall aka “I am to escort Miss Featherington to the floor”
Woohoo! That was some TOUGH competition - and though Vauxhall easily swept the votes (as you can see), What a Barb is a beloved scene and I know it also had a lot of fans pulling for it.
So why did Vauxhall win? Well, no one said it better than u/Brave3001 “As much as I love WAB and would be delighted for it to win, I chose Vauxhall. WAB is absolutely pure Polin - totally sniping at people on the sidelines, amusing each other, flirty and sweet.
But Vauxhall is where I went, “Well, if they don’t get together, I’m jumping off the building.” The sweetness, light banter, and pure chemistry in that scene lets you know that these two aren’t just acquaintances, and it feels like two kids trying to find their way into adulthood. Colin is working his hero complex, but also, I think in an alternative universe, even if Cressida doesn’t come along, he’d ask her to dance just because he can see how pleased she is with her dress. It doesn’t feel like he’s doing something out of pity when he takes her hand; he does it because he thinks Cressida is being a trash bag and he knows his status will protect his friend. That’s utterly sweet.
Also: Colin hates Cressida forever, Pen is so damn cute, and has there ever been a more dashing baby boy than S1 Colin Bridgerton? It’s the whole show on a platter.”
Perfectly stated, and personally, I’m happy with the way this all went down. Feels like a pretty accurate ranking, overall. What do you think?
We will begin Season 2 of the Polin Pandemonium tomorrow so rest up, rewatch the scenes if necessary, and come back tomorrow ready to make some tough decisions!