SWOONing over the Hand Cut Scene
Welcome everyone to our weekly SWOONfest. I now call this SWOON meeting to order.
If you're unfamiliar with any of the scientific terms being used, please consult the SWOON glossary here.
Our first order of business is to file our report from last week.
Last week we examined the hypothesis that Colin whispers “Yes” during the climax of the mirror scene. Our SWOON members were divided on the results of this hypothesis, but given the affirmative evidence presented by some of our talented and scientifically minded SWOON members. We think we can safely say that Colin does say "Yes" during the mirror scene.
As always, we appreciate all the input from everyone. If you would like to go back to check on any previous SWOON results, then please click here for our results cards.
Let's get to our new order of business. Today we’re taking a deep dive into the visuals of the Hand Cut Study Scene to see if we can determine who made the first move.
To begin, I would like to acknowledge that according to the audio description Colin curls his fingers around Pen’s. But we have since learned that the audio descriptions are done by a third party, and they are often just an interpretation of what is seen. So, I propose that we take a closer look and see if we can determine who made the first move.
Does Colin curl his fingers around Pen’s in the Hand Cut scene?
The Scene
Audio Description of Scene:
She removed her gloves and grabs a kerchief. Colin pulls back.
“Please. Let me.”
He works his jaw. He holds out his injured right hand. Penelope cradles his hand in hers, skin to skin. She gently wraps the kerchief over the gash in his palm.
He studies her focused expression as she secures it. She allows her bare hand to linger in his. He curls his fingers inward, softly enfolding hers. She meets his gaze.
“Your writing, it is very good”.
His expression softens.
Let’s see if we can focus in on that part of the scene:
Let’s really zone in on the moment now:
We’re still too far away, let’s get closer:
We need a palate cleanser, let’s look at this part for a minute:
Does this help us see it better?
This may look weird, but I think it really helps!
So, what do you think SWOON members? Who curls whose fingers? Whose fingers are being softly enfolded? Please let us know what you think!
Please give us your thoughts and conclusions and please add your own evidence if you would like. You can write a full report or just let us know in a word. The more conclusions we have the stronger the results!
Thank you!
Comp & Vis
As always, we would love for fellow SWOON members to submit observations for us to examine. If you have noticed something but you’d like your fellow scientists input please do drop us a quick DM and we will add your observation to the list.