Any way to avoid Renter Relocation assistance when renting out your house?
If I'm looking at buying a house and paying off the mortgage while continuing to work at my current job, I don't want to let it sit empty so I would like to rent it. But I'm concerned about all the horror stories that happen with rental properties. I would be renting month to month
The first would be the renter Relocation assistance. If I'm trying to move into my house with inadequate notice of 90 days. It would be a "for cause" and I would not be responsible to pay the relocation assistance if the renter refuses to leave when the lease is over, correct?
The other option is to rent out the rooms and keep a room empty for self. Does this make the situation easier?
The last option is just to keep the house empty but would be the least desirable but I hear it's what a lot of homeowners do if they don't want to deal with bad renters
Any advice?