Atomic Samurai (on his own) vs Homeworld's Entire Population (Excluding The Diamonds) - Who Wins this?
Ok. I did a similar matchup last time which was a OPM VS SU post. But with Human Garou. However I might turn this into a series of posts known as "One Man War" basically Characters on their own (maybe 1 extra person. Who knows.) vs An Entire Faction.
So far 2 of them have been OPM vs SU posts. However I might do more variety with different characters and factions.
Tbh.. unlike Human Garou who's alot Slower in Speed and doesn't have much to go for him when up against an Entire fucking planet worth of Gems or even 1 Elite Gem like a Lapis or Jasper. I think Atomic Samurai has this in the bag. Yeah he's fighting an entire planet worth of rocks. But has Hypersonic+ speed. And his slashes could probably have a easier time Shattering Gems. Best reaction feat in SU is relativistic.
But yet again. He's fighting like Hundred Million or smh of these mfs so I'm sure he could get jumped. But I'm sure he'll have a better Preformence then Human Garou would. He would turn majority of The Gems into a Jewelry Store.