DEATH Predictions
when you watch enough tv & movies, especially murder mysteries, you can tell where the writers are leading you, so i have predictions based off that.
Marvin will die & be the big kill of the season. - marvin is clearly about to get killed from a mission w Stefano. either Stefanos gnna turn wen the italians find out what hes doing or Marvin is gnna go too far. but its clear hes upping the ante w every mission & Steff is just using him as a muscle. but his loyalty WILL REMAIN to the italians. plus all the red herrings pointing to Lou dying, i wudnt b surprised if hes the last of the Thomas standing w a successful label in the end
EARLY’S DEATH - ep. 1 they made it a point for the doctor to talk about the hurt dog that then turned on the doctors & instantly i thought of Resident Evil & Zombies. the focus is on Unique bein the zombie but i think Unique will be the dog that turns on Early, his caretaker.
O’CEE’s DEATH - not sure if i got his name right but they made it a point for the girl Kanan knocked up to talk abt how nervous his worker is, which makes me believe he’s either gnna get nervous n slip up sayin smthn that gets him killed, or someone will take advtg of his nervousness and get him killed. u have to be ALL in and confident in the power world
GRANDMA’S NATURAL DEATH - she was brought back for a reason, and i think its to humanize the family and bring them together. power loves to pull the rug frm under us so i can see the Thomas family bonding after her death only for Marvin to then get off’d.
THE CHINESE PPL - i think its pretty obvious Unique will kill them out of rage
FAMOUS - hes been MIA. this could b the season he dies. i always thought it would be Kanan cause he named his son after him but maybe not
JUKE’S FIRST KILL - i always thought Juke’s first kill would be on the streets and thats why she runs to the army. it could very well still happen that way but this episode made me wonder if it actually happens in the army, or if it alrdy happened and thats y she ran away.