Emergency c-section, positive birth experience

A little background, husband and I were TTC for 17 months with 4 losses. We went through IVF and got two embryos out of six fertilised ones. We honestly had no idea what to expect or how many rounds.

Our first fresh embryo took and our journey began. We discovered at 7w my husband had a genetic condition called balanced translocation. It explained our losses. We confirmed via NIPT that baby was balanced/unaffected. We had a bleed at 11w likely due to an irritable cervix. Another tiny bleed at 13w but that was due to a rough ultrasound doctor (my OB put in a complaint). 18w I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes and began the learning curve of diet control and blood sugar management. By 27 weeks we were in the ED almost weekly sometimes. This little girl decided she liked to play “freak mum out” a lot. As soon as the monitors were on, party time.

Scheduled induction at 39+4w and I had two weeks of false labour leading up. This was where my fears peaked as I felt too blessed to get this far. My OB was a saint and made sure I didn’t have to go home after the balloon catheter. I stayed overnight and sent hubby home to actually sleep.

The next morning balloon was removed I was 2cm and my waters were broken. Oxytocin drop was started and contractions followed. I was able to breathe through them for three hours.

Baby started to decelerate with contractions and it was believed the cord was wrapped somewhere or getting squished. I was sucking gas like no tomorrow and riding the high. I told my OB “just take her out. I just want her safe.”

With ten minutes I was in pre-op and a spinal block is the weirdest sensation ever honestly. Everyone was so lovely.

By 12:27pm baby girl was here. Placenta was healthy but her cord was really weird and commented on by a lot of people. I had no idea as all scans were great.

3.36kg 50cm Head full of hair (thanks heartburn)

Passed three sets of sugar tests.

Matilda, my little rainbow after so many cloudy days. Welcome to the world.