Show closest to prison break(i am very choosy so please read the points first)

Prison break is my favourite show followed by lost. I really like prison breaks fast pace and the amount of story in each season. Loved "the company" conspiracy in prison break and "dharma initiative" conspiracy in lost.

The show must be 1. Non-episodic 2. not made before 2000 3. Not futuristic 4. Atleast 4-5 seasons 5. Not historic(not set before 1950) 6. Not childish(like stranger things or beef) 7. Unpredictable and overarching plotline 8. Motive based or should have a main goal or conspiracy. 9. No sitcoms or comedy shows 10. Protagonist should be smart or arrogant or rich or powerful.

Some points may be contradictory. I do not like futuristic or sci-fi series but i like lost(but don't like shows like paradise 2025).The show should hook me with its first episode.

My favourite shows are(ranked):- 1. Prison break 2. Lost 3. From 4. Succession 5. House of cards