Trip Report: Mescaline

Hi everyone! I recently had my third mescaline trip with my highest dose yet and wanted to write a short trip report based on my subjective experience. Both of my prior experiences with mescaline had been lackluster, but that was primarily due to low dosages. I got my hands on some extract and dosed 400mg in a cap. I was smoking before and during most of the trip besides the come up. It took roughly an hour to begin to feel anything. The buzz started out as a mild stimulant with a little visual noise. I became a little nauseous and sat uncomfortably for about 30 minutes waiting for the feeling to pass. I drank some water which then prompted me to start gagging. I ran to the bathroom and projectile vomited into the toilet, but the second it left my body I was filled with a rush of euphoria and relief like none other. It felt as though all this negative energy was expelled from me with great force. The visuals immediately kicked up as I looked around the bathroom with things swirly and pulsing everywhere. I returned to my friends in the other room and began talking about how amazing it felt to throw up. I also noticed that now I had a different way of accessing my thoughts. It felt very easy to navigate around my head and dissect ideas. The headspace was clear and profoundly different to anything else I have experienced until this point. I felt like I was tripping balls, but in total control of my thoughts. We watch the flume visualizer on YouTube while painting and this is when I started noticing some of the more interesting visuals. I closed my eyes at one point and saw metallic surfaces flipping over and rotating in a very pleasing way. I know I had just seen a replication similar to this the day before the trip so I assume that was pulled from my subconscious. I also was looking at a poster on the wall and saw parts of the poster moving in geometric patterns. We sat around painting for several hours enjoying the clear headspace and warm euphoria. I broke out my dab rig after the peak had passed and with each dab the euphoria grew and eventually became waves of MDMA-like euphoria starting in the toes and slowly washing up through the body. It felt absolutely amazing. This body high remained until we fell asleep. The next morning we felt invigorated and in awe of the experience. What a wonderful chemical, it had a very spiritual feel all throughout the experience. If I choose to use mescaline again I think I would up the dose to 500-600mg, but that is personal to me and after some initial testing of the water. I’d love to hear if anyone has had any interesting experiences on mescaline!