Feeling Unappreciated
I’ve been working as a PB teacher at a studio for years. There’s always been this narrative that PB is more than work we’re all friends and come to these events on your free time because we’re your friends! And I did. I gave a lot of my free time to make events successful and fun and showed up and set up and cleaned up. I subbed all the time to help out other teachers, I’ve always been flexible about changing my schedule to accommodate other teachers.
Recently things have changed and we’re short staffed. I reached out to my manager (who is the same manager I have worked with for years) to let her know I had some personal things going on and could not take on more classes atm. I wanted to offer context rather than a flat “No”.
A week goes by and I don’t get a response and finally ask if she’s received my email and she just says “Yeah I got it”. No response. No thanks for letting me know. Literally nothing.
I’m so frustrated and upset that after all this time when I finally say I cannot help out due to personal items I wouldn’t have shared with any other “boss” I can’t even get a “I’m sorry to hear that thanks”.
I feel very undervalued, under appreciated, and frankly ready to quit teaching altogether.