new part time clerk

Hi, so I just got off training a week ago. I did do some time in the kitchen but I feel like it wasn’t enough. I was a retail worker before I got this job and i’ve never done kitchen my whole life. I took over the kitchen for 30 minutes, first order was a personal sausage pizza (easy)… and the rest was a blur and had to ask for help. I understand following the screen for instruction but I feel like I still don’t have it down. The girl I was training with already had it down but I think she had more time in the kitchen tho bc i don’t know her schedule. I’m mostly store and upkeep. They did teach me DAW task but I still don’t have that down too.. I really wanna keep this job and I want to do better but I don’t know what’s happening. Do you guys have any tips? Like a procedure I can memorize? I feel like i’m a very shitty worker. Also, what’s the best strategy to cutting up pizzas.. bc no matter how much body weight i put on that pizza cutter it was not budging and i give up. My trainer also had a personal vendetta against me i swear (no one likes her)