Rat surgical wound will never heal

My rat had a hernia from his neutering, so we got that fixed almost 2 months ago. His wound is still healing and his scab keeps falling off. He has been burrito wrapped for almost 3 weeks and before that he was wearing a cone (decided wrap was much better), so he wasn't messing with it in any way and it still has not gotten better 3 weeks later. The vet instructed me to clean the wound with peroxide whenever the scab falls off, but it's fallen off several times and I am getting worried. It's much better than it was last time, but I thought I should still ask. I took the wrap off today to let him roam unrestrained for now.

My rat had a hernia from his neutering, so we got that fixed almost 2 months ago. His wound is still healing and his scab keeps falling off. He has been burrito wrapped for almost 3 weeks and before that he was wearing a cone (decided wrap was much better), so he wasn't messing with it in any way and it still has not gotten better 3 weeks later. The vet instructed me to clean the wound with peroxide whenever the scab falls off, but it's fallen off several times and I am getting worried. It's much better than it was last time, but I thought I should still ask. I took the wrap off today to let him roam unrestrained for now.