Tips for maintaining coco fiber bedding?
I filled my rat cage with Coco fiber about a month ago and it has been smelling pretty bad for about a couple days now. I don't mind the smell, but I know it means that there's ammonia and it will certainly make my rats sick. I have been regularly putting springtails in there as well as Josh's Frogs Bioboost and I spot clean any poo I find. I have also been turning the soil. I really don't want my rats to get sick, but I also dont want to throw away all that dirt (it was expensive and a lot). I plan on getting isopods and worms. Even if they get eaten regularly I can always add more. Any ideas?
I filled my rat cage with Coco fiber about a month ago and it has been smelling pretty bad for about a couple days now. I don't mind the smell, but I know it means that there's ammonia and it will certainly make my rats sick. I have been regularly putting springtails in there as well as Josh's Frogs Bioboost and I spot clean any poo I find. I have also been turning the soil. I really don't want my rats to get sick, but I also dont want to throw away all that dirt (it was expensive and a lot). I plan on getting isopods and worms. Even if they get eaten regularly I can always add more. Any ideas?