Least Favorite gang member? (Micah doesn't count)

Micah doesn't count, he's the Villain you're supposed to hate him. But out of all the gang members, who is your least favorite? I always see nothing but positive sht about all the characters, time to mix it up a little! Personally, it's a toss up between Bill and Tilly. Bill had some build up in RDR1. But turns out, he's just a moron. Not even the gang seems to like him much. Even Uncle seems more respected. He's just completely unintersting to me. He doesn't have any real memorable moments, or quotes and he's just blindly loyal to Dutch just because. Plus he's an alcoholic and he's lazy and probably a rapist. Tilly has similar problems. She's just completely unintersting. She feels like the one member of the gang, that's just kinda there. Mary Beth and Karen are polar opposites. One keeps it together and is level headed. One is brash and falls apart. They at least got that going for them, plus they'll give Arthur mini therapy sessions if you're honor is low. But Tilly is just.....boring....