Please please please stop being toxic

UPDATE: Turns out this community has some gems in it. Loads of you reached out to play and I've added quite a lot. Played with a legendary Canadian last night and yeah, siege faith restored. Appreciate it fellas. If anyone wants to play my PSN/Ubi is the same here: JupiterRhys

37 yo new dad here played siege a lot when it came out and just came back to it. Only playing quick play and standard ATM (if I can fit a game in between nappy changes), but I'm doing "fine'. I'm no emerald player or anything but in a few games when spectating the lads (typically young dweebs) start just spewing utter bllks about "you're sht mate you're trash look at him". Between the new mechanics, map reworks and new ops it's a lot for those of us with limited time to take all in.

Genuinely made me close the game down for that night. Not sure if I'm asking people to "grow up" but perhaps just a bit more understanding that this game is just casual fun for us. It's not life or death and you're sincerely ruining the experience for others.... Which if you want the game to succeed just be... Human I guess.

Anyway yeah, happy days, I'm off to change another nappy.