Single mothers can be some of the most entitled, annoying people
I don’t understand why you’d want to base your entire identity and personality around being a single mother, but a lot of them do this anyways. They feel the need to let absolutely everyone know that they’re a single mother, believing it will earn them sympathy or praise wherever they go.
These women make absolutely everything about their situation. They post about being a single mom non-stop, their bio on everything says “single mom”, they have to slide it into every single conversation. Whenever something bad happens to them, it’s all they talk about. Their car breaks down? How could this happen, it’s not fair, I’m a single mom! Something gets stolen? Why would they do this to me? I’m a single mom! Their order at McDonald’s is wrong? They’re wasting my time and disappointing my kids, I’m a single mom!
Facebook, especially, is littered with single moms begging for items or services, posting “I’m a poor single mom” on marketplace whenever they need something. Nobody cares. We all have our own issues, you aren’t special or deserving of extra attention or freebies. It’s not the public’s fault that you’re in such a situation, and it’s not their responsibility to provide things or services for you and your kids. Expecting that of everyone every time you cry “but I’m a single mother!” Is entitlement to the fullest. Nobody wants to mow your lawn for free, watch your kids for free, or give you a free TV because your children don’t have a father figure.
Working in retail, I’ve dealt with a handful of single moms, who were sure to make me aware of their situation. Usually complaining about prices or stock issues, I’ve heard “What do you mean the sale ended yesterday? I’m a single mother, I can’t afford that.” Or “I was told you had that in stock. I’m a single mom, I’ve worked hard to get this for my kids, you’re going to ruin their day!” One too many times. The fact that these moms walk around, expecting to be treated like royalty is laughable. That isn’t how the world works.
You’re only teaching your children that complaining or begging is the way to get what they want. Suck it up, put your head down, and work to get what you want like the rest of us. When shit hits the fan, work to make it right instead of desperately seeking attention, sympathy or someone to make it right for you. Grow up, and be a real parent to your kids.