TIL you can get rid of moonshine checkpoints

Had the moonshiner role with my first account and never knew you could go through moonshine checkpoints and they would actually let you through. Saw someone say you could pass inspections so for my second account i've stricktly been stopping at the checkpoints and been let through every time.

Neat thing that i've realized i can do is get rid of the checkpoint all together and just drive right through while they all stand there. Not sure if it's a glitch or what but sometimes when i come up upon a checkpoint, i stop just as the red zone appears and then i start to drive really slow and then the zone dissapears altogether and the yellow checkpoint never pops up. Ican continue on my way and drive straight through. Haven't had to deal with revenue agents all but once. Makes solo deliveries a piece of cake

Been playing for months and still learning new things