Anyone else not know what the hell Mike and Jay are on about when it comes to movie theaters?
I was watching the newest episode and they started off by talking about the movie going audience ruining their experiences. They paint it as if going to the theaters is a guarantee that you're gonna deal with shitty people and that is making people less likely to go to the theaters to begin with. I go to the movies at least once a month, usually more, and I'm the type who is happy to drive hours to another city to watch certain movies on certain screens. I think I can count the shitty experiences I've had in a movie theater on both hands at best. 9/10 if you just ask people to keep it down they will, and that's usually the worst of it. The one time I sat near people who refused to keep quiet I just moved down a few rows. Granted, I didn't have a channel where I was expected to watch damn near every major movie that released regardless of whether or not I'm interested in them, I watch movies that are primarily watched by people who love movies, not general audiences so my perception may be skewed but I've never personally heard anyone have the same shitty experiences they have. Either way, RLM doesn't have to and hasn't been reviewing every major release any more, I'm sure if they watched more of the movies they actually are interested in they wouldnt have as many shitty audiences. Seriously, the last real shitty film experience I had was when I saw Romulus on IMAX and the house lights came on before the end credits started rolling other than that it's been solid to great, anyone else not relate to their experiences at all? I love going to the movies, personally.