🍺Guinness Tips🍺

I'm not a french tip-er, but how you can not when a Guinness is the visual french tip of stouts. 😝 I was originally gonna do them and flip the image so they'd look like pints... my harp was right side up and then when I painted the G it was upside down because I was so in the zone lol. (VERY much Karen from Mean Girls) In the end the G was better so I redid the harp upside down 🍺😝 Don't drink and paint, or do haha, whatever makes you happy!

💪 @findingfeatherslacquer ... Balanced Bond Base Coat

🍺 @holotaco... "Inkwell"

🍺 @findingfeatherslacquer ... "Southern Magnolia"

🍺 @zoyanailpolish ... "Moki"

🍺 @colorclubnaillacquer ... "French Tip"

💪 @glistenandglow1 ...Quick Dry Top Coat 🐐

🖌 Freehand