Loneliness in the church

I see a lot of middle aged men who are involved in the church who lack many or any real friendships or strong connections to other people. When I've brought this up, either in church circles or without, almost always the person listening says they've noticed it too. Particularly among men, it seems like there is an epidemic of loneliness.

When you reach middle age regardless of your situation circles seem to grow smaller, and they are filled with acquaintances rather than other connections. Honestly, this is quite true of me for the most part.

There often seems to be a lot of superficial relationship within the church, friendliness if you will, but without real friendship or connection being built. I think many of us have been the recipient of far more "we need to have you guys over for dinner"s than actual invitations. Many more friend requests than attempts at friendship.

What's the place of the church in fostering this kind of community? Is there one? Should we be seeking to knit each other together ever more strongly?