Need help with rengar!
I just had a bad game, I just couldnt go in this game. I needed some help to analyse what I could have done better this game.
Let me give you guys all the context this game. My mid lane never had prio she was just getting outroamed.
In the entire game I got only one opprtunity to jump on malz during first drake. So fighting malz was never an option plus he was always grouping never alone.
MY bot lane was fed they got turrets but enemy bot was never overextended as you can see kaisa never took a fight she didnt need to.
My top was kinda winning but was super toxic and as we know garen is super hard to catch plus hes grouped with malz most the game.
This was the fist time I struggled so hard to get a kill, the lack of engage in my team was another problem.
I thought of invading but nocturne is not an easy champ to invade early.
Nocture just casually got fed by 20 mins with two items over me and I just had to watch.
This is my first time having this bad of a game on rengar and I needed some idea on what I could have done better.