What would stop me from writing a book about all of the malignant/toxic personalities I've encountered in residency and calling them out by name?
Come June 30th (and maybe a little sooner), I'll have official finished residency. It's been a long, tough road, made tougher by a steady stream of toxic interactions with senior residents and attending physicians, many of whom gained a reputation for being assholes, and having to repeat a rotation I really shouldn't have needed to repeat. Through my time in residency I've secretly taken a copious amount of notes and along with copies of written evaluations I've kept, I probably have more than enough material to write a book and start a blog where I can describe these encounters in detail and specifically name the individuals involved. I'm the type of person with a long memory who doesn't let grudges go, and going public with a book/blog would be hugely cathartic for me in terms of mental health. I already have a cush private practice attending job lined up, and I have absolutely no qualms about professional blowback (no aspirations for fellowship, academia, etc.) I've also considered the legal aspects - from a legal standpoint, none of the individuals who I plan to name would really be able to mount a case for libel/slander, as they won't be able to effectively prove anything I claim is false. So from a benefit/risk standpoint, I don't see any major disadvantages from my standpoint, other than investing the time needed to write the book (which I will have plenty of).
Come to think of it, why don't more attendings/former residents do this?