[Family Medicine] Does anyone else get triggered when attendings in other specialties say stuff like "I could never do what you do"?
Seriously...I know they (ortho, urology, emergency medicine, etc.) mean well most of the time when they make comments about how "hard" it is to manage things like diabetes, hypertension, etc. and practice primary care in general, but personally I find it extremely demeaning, considering how they make hundreds of thousands of dollars more than the average FM attending and with the knowledge of FM's reputation as being an uncompetitive, dumping ground fallback specialty. I was forced out of emergency medicine residency myself and had to scramble into an FM program after suffering discrimination due to medical reasons, so I almost want to scream right there and then when EM docs say shit like this in front of me, when I'm personally looking at $100-150K per year in lost income and a permanent change in lifestyle for the rest of my life.
That is all.