Gacha games like Reverse 1999 ?

Let me clarify something, I come to this community from other, much much less fair gacha games. In contrast, Reverse 1999 offers very fair banner rates, at least from my experience. Do you know of any games that offer similarly fair pulls and banners?

for context, I'm comparing Union Cross (a now offline game), which I played for years and only managed to pull a powerful reward from a new banner three times, both times getting power-crept within two or three weeks! Then there's Reverse 1999 where I consistently managed to get one event characters every time: Melania, Jessica, and now Kanjira, to say nothing about the characters not related to event quests, and so far no power-creeping is in sight for the past few months. Are there other gacha games like this one?

I'd appreciate if the recommended games weren’t Honkai/Genshin Impacts or Star Rail, those are very heavy and tend to heat up my phone. Thanks in advance.