The FBI BAU Profile - NOT A Sex Offender
Aimee, once again, had a great live and hosted Ricci again, as well as Christina, a PI who worked for the Defense. Christina is aware of the profile the BAU created for the Delphi killer. She didn't see or couldn't recall the entirety of the profile itself, but she said there was essentially a point system they could attribute to every possible suspect they had. For example, if a suspect was a local they were given 1 point, if they were NOT from the area, they received zero points.
If the suspected killer was a SEXUAL OFFENDER, they received *ZERO* points.
The FBI/BAU did not believe the killer/s were sexual offenders. They did not believe this crime was sexual in nature, and neither have I(with the minimal information we know.) No sexual assault of the victims, aside from leaving one of the victims nude. UNKNOWN FEMALE DNA AT THE SCENE, to include on the body. I'm not saying the killer was a woman, but I am strongly convinced a woman could have been involved in the crime itself at any point from 230pm to when they were killed.(More likely around 10pm IMO)
What this also tells me is this crime was about the MESSAGE. The RITUAL. Whoever did this wasn't some magical boogeyman, but they had beliefs and they had a message they wanted to convey. Whether that be because of some messed up way of viewing the Paqan religion, or if it's simply their "calling card." I believe the motive was simply the desire to kill and either send a message with the Odin bs, or make it seem like it was an Odin message, by persons who had every intention of killing two young girls in some sort of "sacrificial" way.
Listen to the live in it's entirety below. :)
I found this list previously released by the FBI as things to look for in potential suspects regarding this crime -
- Changes in their daily routines, including modified sleep patterns
- Increased use of alcohol or drugs
- Cleaned or disposed of clothing and / or shoes that might have been worn on Feb. 13
- Missed work or other engagements
- Anxiety, nervousness or irritability
- Excessive attention to the investigation, media coverage or lengthy discussions related to the murders
EDIT: People seem to get angry when I suggest this crime wasn't sexual. Not sure why, but this is just my opinion - no need to be upset. Obviously I can be wrong, with an over 50% likelihood that I am wrong, strictly speculation.