I thought this was the moment Carol & Maggie would rally behind Michonne and form a deep, lasting sisterhood

Like the title says, I thought this was the beginning of something beautiful between these strong women. We never saw what transpired directly after the bridge, but I want to believe all the communities came together to mourn Rick and support Michonne through that difficult time.

I know five years passed, and a lot can happen in that time, but it was such a surprise to see that Michonne and Maggie had some kind of beef—which, by the way, never gets resolved since Maggie returned after Michonne left the show. And Carol was just Carol, living her life at Hilltop. Good for her, by the way.

I get that Michonne was traumatized by what happened to her while she was pregnant and wanted the communities to stay separate—she was essentially pushing people away. But shame on everyone for not reaching out to her. Instead of trying to understand her pain and where she was coming from, they ostracized her and acted like her reaction wasn’t justified. They treated her horribly. When your friend—or someone you claim as family—goes through not one but two traumatic events in the span of seven months, you reach out. Simple as that, you reach out. You don’t push her away. Shame on everyone, and I’m looking at the Alexandrians too. Michonne was the only reason they were in Alexandria and why it became as safe as it was. Cutting people off and burning bridges was a trauma response—someone should have reached out to help her through it while also ensuring Alexandria’s security for Michonnes peace of mind.

I just find it so unfair that Michonne never really bonds or forms strong relationships with anyone outside of Rick (and Andrea). Or rather, we never see it as viewers.

We got beautiful moments between Rick and Daryl showcasing their brotherhood (and Daryl and Carol too), but nothing like that for Michonne. I just wish she had been closer to someone in the group. Maggie would have been the best candidate, in my opinion.

These two badass women should have naturally formed a real bond. They had known each other for so long and had been through absolute hell together—especially prior to 9x05, you know? In that same episode, Maggie asked Michonne what she would have done if Negan had butchered Rick in front of her, leaving her to raise a child alone. And then, same day, Michonne was left to raise two children alone. I thought their similar situations would bring them closer, making them more empathetic toward each other. But that never happened.

Michonne is overlooked and underappreciated in the show, and I’m just sick of her always drawing the short stick. And can you imagine? In TOWL, when she finally makes a genuine friend in Nat, he freaking dies. Really!? Michonne needs people to talk to, people to carry her.

Where’s her emotional support friend? Everyone else had one, and she was left talking to ghosts.