Oakland Airport roadie pro-tip.
If you’re picking up a bag from Delta at the Oakland airport for Roadie (or another service or I guess on your own) there’s supposed to be a baggage office just like at SFO. I have never seen anybody in there.
If there’s nobody there, you’re supposed to go to the ticket counter. The phone says this but erroneously tells you it’s on the 2nd floor. It’s on the first floor in front right there with most of the other airlines. There usually isn’t anyone there any if you ask anyone else (say, a person working for another airline) they’ll tell you they usually aren’t staffed until two hours before the next flight. So if it’s at noon, nobody will be there.
So what do you do? Well, you get on the white courtesy phone and dial zero (0). The guy on the phone will tell you that they probably won’t be there until two hours before the next flight; but if you plead with him to check if there’s any Delta employees there, he will and if he gets someone, he’ll be like, “you’re in luck.”
Usually then, they’ll meet you at the counter and from there, it’s smooth sailing.
I’m telling you this because I had to pick up the bag of a sweet little old lady who was telling me she’d been jerked around all day and I knew what she’d meant. In fact, when I left the airport, I got this text saying, “yyyeeeeeessss!!!”