Honestly Feeling Sad about where this game is at.
I been playing Rocket League for a long time. Probably around 8ish years now.
I log in still, about once a day. I like to play before bed.
I’m just sad that it feels like it’s dying. I know there are still users, but it feels like epic doesn’t do much with the game. The servers are not great. Latency and sudden game failures are common on switch, pc, and PS5…
It also has gotten real hateful? I don’t have chat on anymore… but back when I started playing I used open chat. Sometimes you’d get a rude person, but mostly I’d just goof around in the chat and get a similar response. Now, my duo told me he recently turned his chat off after going 5 consecutive games where people were texting slurs at him… I get a lot of angry dudes over mic that I have to mute too because they’re having a full blown melt-down after every play.
Damn, does anyone enjoy the game anymore? When it’s not too laggy I have a good time, but it seems like a lot of people aren’t having the best time.
I also sadly miss drop-shot every moment it’s gone. All I wanna do is DAMAGE.
Edit: Thank you everyone for the responses. Genuinely, it is very helpful. I’m realizing the game issues I’m experiencing are likely a system/internet issue more than a common issue.
As far as text chat— I think I worded it poorly, but toxic players don’t bug me much… It just doesn’t seem like they’re enjoying the game and my teammate was having a hard time with it apparently. Definitely keep the chat on if you are able and enjoy the social interactions. If you’re not in the best headspace, maybe turn the chat off for a bit. :)
Glad to hear many of you ARE still enjoying the game. Again, I appreciate the replies.