"My UnTrue Love" by Cassandra Gannon- A Crafty, Cinnamon Roll of a MMC Who Steals My Heart
Pecos Bill is the most unique MMC I’ve read in ages. He’s sly, scheming, and stalkerish, but he’s still a very typical Cassandra Gannon MMC who is a simp for the FMC. He’s always sweet & respectful to her, but his love is tinged with absolute crazy. This complicated, ruthless guy ruins the lives of the FMC’s ex and all the people who are mean to her. I am here for it!!
This book is the newest in the Kinda Fairytale series. It is set in a wild west town with characters from folk songs. Clementine, the FMC, is part of a band & Johnny, her ex, is the lead singer. Johnny is an arrogant dick. Pecos Bill is the guitar player. Pecos Bill’s been maneuvering everything so he can have Clementine for himself. When Johnny fires her Pecos Bill finally sees his opportunity to strike.
I could see a book where Johnny needs to protect Clementine from Bill’s single minded obsession for her. In the process, Johnny would come to appreciate this great girl who’s supported him for years.
That is NOT this book.
This book is Pecos Bill destroying Johnny without remorse. It’s brutal, but in a funny way. I am kicking my feet and smiling as he just eviscerates the creep. You got Clementine to move out of Johnny’s & his new roommate has a contagious skin condition? Good job, Bill. You have angry music fans cancelling Johnny for sexism? Good job, Bill. You started fucking Clementine while she’s on the phone with Johnny? Good job, Bill.
I am impressed with how hot this madman is to me, considering I don’t stan cowboy books. I think he is one of her best MMCs. Although Dash from {Love vs the Scarecrow by Cassandra Gannon} and Gion from {Exile in the Water Kingdom by Cassandra Gannon} remain my fav book boyfriends from her. Maybe I just get all weak in the knees for sneaky, manipulative, morally gray MMCs who are pining for their FMC. I am a sucker for pining. Lol
{My UnTrue Love by Cassandra Gannon} Fairytale fantasy book, western romance